Monday 14 November 2011

Why push us into poverty?

I spent my early years of employment hearing the government scaring everyone witless about the 'big pensions crisis' and how we were all doomed to live our twilight years in poverty because no one was saving enough for their pensions.

How exactly did the pensions crisis change into an attack on the occupational schemes in the public sector? It seems the government have changed their tune and  actually want public servants to live in poverty in their retirement.

Why do I say that? Well the government's own stats say the official pensioner poverty level is £176 a week - the full state pension is £102, so if your work pension is less than £74 a week you will already be in poverty with your current 'gold plated' pension. Dave Prentis from Unison says that the average woman in local government currently gets £60 a week as a works pension- even my maths can work that one out!

So rather than improving the situation for their own employees this government wants to push them deeper into poverty -even on their own figures

Why is it OK to bail out rich bankers but not to ensure that hard-working public servants should have some security and dignity in retirement ? That's why all public servants need to take action and join the strike on November 30

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