Tuesday 15 November 2011

Three Great Campaigning Resources

On Saturday, the South East Region TUC held an excellent mobilising conference - Fighting for Public Services: Pensions Justice for All.  As well as all the energy, enthusiasm and campaigning experience, I picked up three important campaigning resources, which are a must-have for anyone who cares about pensions or simply wants to know more about the trades union case.

1) There is an alternative... The case against cuts in public spending produced by PCS - This excellent pamphlet takes on the government's cuts strategy and provides real facts and figures to show why it is economic madness. It looks at Economic Growth, Public Investment, Privatisation and Tax Justice and proposes a real economic alternative.  At 12 pages with lots of illustrations, it's a quick but very informative read.

2) Fair Pensions for All produced by PCS, NPC, Unite, NUT & UCU - A joint publication by trades unions and the National Pensioners Convention, this small pamphlet goes through the detail of public sector pensions, private sector pensions and the state pension.  It makes a clear case for the affordability of public sector pensions as well as the need to tackle the crisis in the private sector.  It also draws sharp attention to the fact that the state pension has now fallen below the poverty line and highlights the number of UK pensioners living in poverty.

3) Union Matters produced by Oxford & District TUC - Our own local publication, produced by unions in Oxfordshire, this is an 8-page paper with articles from a range of local unions, including those striking on November 30th.  It is free to distribute and has a large full-colour poster on the back with details of the local march on November 30th.  The articles inside include information about the government's pensions proposals and examples of the impact on local public sector workers.  A great mobilising tool for the strikes and free to give out!

Hard copies of all these resources are available from Oxford & District TUC by emailing nov30@odtuc.org.uk or calling 07967392229.

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